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About WISH
What is WISH?
West Indies School of Hospitality - WISH Grenada is a school offering individuals in the hospitality sector the opportunity to pursue courses in their industry. The aim of WISH Grenada is to build the service industry by creating paths for education and career advancement.
For Students
What does WISH offer?
WISH Grenada offers persons in the hospitality or service industry access to eCornell courses and training. These courses cover a wide spectrum of the industry. Courses can be done as Certificates Programs, Expert-Led Courses or On-Demand Lessons. All tailored for innovative learning and flexibility.
Is there an application process or pre-requisites?
As our programs are for professional development, there are no prerequisites or formal admission processes required for enrollment.
How do I enroll?
Simply fill out one of our Student Contact Forms, let us know your are of interest and we are happy to get you signed up!
I am currently employed in the hospitality industry, will my employer sign me up?
Many employers in the Hospitality industry are taking advantage of the opportunity to train their employees. WISH Grenada will work with employers to create learning paths for their employees. If you want to WISH, feel free to ask your employer to contact us.
About Lessons & Courses
When do Courses Start?
Generally, courses normally start every two weeks. Give us a call to speak to one of our enrollment specialists or request more information via the icons below. For our Service Excellence Trainings, please contact us for start dates.
How do I know what course is best for me?
Choosing the right course depends on where you envision yourself in the industry. WISH offers an array of courses to best fit the diverse areas of the service sector. We do however pride ourselves in helping to guide our students to a program that would be a good fit for them based on their background and goals.
How much does this cost?
Through a unique agreement with eCornell and the patronage of tourism industry leaders, WISH Grenada will provide thousands of scholarships every year in the field of Hospitality. All courses are 100% free scholarships.
I am currently unemployed, can I enroll on my own?
Of course you can. Simply fill out one of our Student Contact Forms, let us know your area of interest and we are happy to get you signed up!
How do the Certificate programs/Courses work?
All courses in our certificate programs are taught 100% online through eCornell’s online learning management system. Courses contain learning modules that feature interactive discussions, video / text lectures, quizzes, case studies, course projects, and a variety of online tools to ensure satisfactory understanding of subject matter.
Have more questions?
Sure you do!
Call us at 473.449.WISH for more information